2015. május 30., szombat

Rand Paul reportedly defends Obama’s ‘ISIL is not Islamic’ comments


President Obama said tonight that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is not Islamic. According to several Twitter users, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told Fox News host Sean Hannity he agrees.



Obama: ISIS isn"t Islam.

Rand Paul: I agree with Obama.

WHOA— Laura McGinnis (@Txsleuth) September 11, 2014

Paul also argued that the rise of ISIS was the fault of the United States, according to several Twitter users who viewed the Hannity segment:


Twitchy has not yet confirmed that Paul made the comments attributed to him above. We will post video of Paul’s comments as soon as we are able to obtain it.


Here’s the video:

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/09/10/rand-paul-reportedly-defends-obamas-isil-is-not-islamic-comments/

Rand Paul reportedly defends Obama’s ‘ISIL is not Islamic’ comments

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