2015. május 28., csütörtök

MMA fighter Chael Sonnen tweets support for Steven Crowder


As Twitchy reported, Steven Crowder released unedited video documenting his assault by union thugs in Lansing, Mich. Media lapdogs with far too much time and far too little shame have been frantically trying to discredit Crowder, but the evidence is indisputable.

Crowder, an avid martial artist and MMA fan, had offered his assailant the opportunity to fight him one-on-one:

@scrowder @sonnench Is the MMA match still an option for this union thug?

— Justin 4 Liberty (@jjmdirector) December 20, 2012

But Crowder says the offer is off the table:

No. Window of opp closed. RT @jjmdirector: @scrowder @sonnench Is the MMA match still an option for this union thug? ow.ly/ggu58

— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) December 20, 2012

Still, it can’t hurt to have a professional fighter in your corner in case things get ugly again. MMA fighter Chael Sonnen tweeted his support for Crowder to his 256,000-plus followers this afternoon.

The champ has spoken. RT @sonnench: @scrowder has helped MMA for years. Now he needs our support. Get this out. youtube.com/watch?v=6w_ze-…

— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) December 20, 2012

While truth-deniers are still blaming Crowder for being attacked:

@scrowder @sonnench all i see is more edited video, the man getting knocked to the ground before he hits you and no one rushing the tent

— dtwhitehouse (@DtwhitehouseDt) December 20, 2012

@sonnench @scrowder dude, you’re backing a hack journalist here. more edited video and nothing shows what he claims happened.

— dtwhitehouse (@DtwhitehouseDt) December 20, 2012

@scrowder @jjmdirector @sonnench All that video continues to show is that it appears you pushed the guy to the ground. You should apologize

— Steven Goo Houston (@StevenHouston85) December 20, 2012

At least Sonnen’s followers know where he stands when it comes to combating thuggery:

@sonnench @scrowder what ever happened to peaceful protests & picketing? I’m a union member & you would never see violence erupt like this.

— Fani K (@FaniK1975) December 20, 2012

@sonnench @scrowder when democracy becomes mob rule – courtesy of union thugs.

— Pontiffication (@Pontiffication) December 20, 2012

And, like Sonnen, can appreciate Crowder’s knack for verbal fisticuffs:

@scrowder is the @sonnench of political discourse.#hugecompliment

— Kevin Hyslop (@Hy_Slop) December 20, 2012

Indeed. Thank you, Chael Sonnen, for climbing into this ring.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/12/20/mma-fighter-chael-sonnen-tweets-support-for-steven-crowder/

MMA fighter Chael Sonnen tweets support for Steven Crowder

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