2015. június 21., vasárnap

Astronaut Releases Amazing Photos Taken From The International Space Station.

As if he hadn’t done enough to get the public at large interested in space with his zero-gravity version of David Bowie’s “Space Oddity”(video below), Col. Chris Hadfield has released a book of photographs taken from the international space station called You Are Here: Around the World in 92 Minutes, published by Little Brown. These photos are a stunning example of how much beauty can come from a change in perspective. “Bird’s eye view” doesn’t cut it here: these photos are a rare glimpse of a view of earth seen by a relative few. These photos are an absolute delight.

1.) Close Neighbors: (left to right) Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan, split by the Detroit River.

2.) Cuba, Florida, and everything in between.

3.) The Nile River, flowing into the Mediterranean Sea.

4.) New York City: Day and Night.

5.) The Richat Structure, Mauritania.

6.) Great Salt Lake, Utah.

7.) Venice, Italy.

8.) The Himalayas.


To see more of these amazing photos, you can find Chris Hadfield’s book here.

And as promised, here is Chris Hadfield’s rendition of David Bowie’s “Space Oddity.”

Read more: http://viralnova.com/incredible-photos-from-orbit/

Astronaut Releases Amazing Photos Taken From The International Space Station.

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