2015. június 23., kedd

Celtics vs. Heat actually ended in a tie?


We can’t help but feel sorry for this poor reporter who actually thought game 4 of the Boston Celtics vs. Miami Heat ended in a tie. She has since been the butt of many many jokes.

I can"t believe that a news tv station in Maine thought the @celtics vs heat game ended in a tie 89 to 89 last night #WoW

— Kevin Lloyd Morrison (@KevinLloyd15) June 4, 2012

This just in from Channel 8 news: The Heat-Celtics game just ended in a tie!!! ??!! I love being from Maine!

— myabnormallife (@myabnormallife) June 4, 2012

Having trouble posting the link but the Celtics/Heat game ended in a tie last night, according to local news in Maine. TOO FUNNY

— Josh Pelletier (@CoachJPELLETIER) June 4, 2012

Apparently, last night"s Heat/Celtics game ended in a tie. "THE HEATLES WILL PLAY THIS GAME UNDER PROTEST!" http://t.co/18AfH6cx

— Luis M. (@lcm1986) June 4, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/06/04/celtics-vs-heat-actually-ended-in-a-tie/

Celtics vs. Heat actually ended in a tie?

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