2015. június 29., hétfő

Remembering the #Challenger disaster: 27 years ago today


Remembering the Challenger crew today. The NASA family lost 7 of its own on Jan. 28, 1986. go.nasa.gov/XMoOr5

— NASA (@NASA) January 28, 2013

Twitter users are taking time out today to remember the crew of the Challenger space shuttle and their families. Twenty seven years ago today, disaster struck and left an indelible mark on the nation’s soul — especially a generation of schoolchildren who will never forget.

#Remembering the #SpaceShuttle #Challenger Crew. On this day in 1986 the crew was lost to a massive explosion. @nasa twitter.com/TARDIS75/statu…

— Alex Z (@TARDIS75) January 28, 2013

@tardis75 @nasa An iconic image – January 28, 1986 #Challenger #Explosion twitter.com/ScottAGould/st…

— Scott Gould, LMT (@ScottAGould) January 28, 2013

Remembering the astronauts of the Space Shuttle #Challenger which exploded 72 secs after liftoff in 1986. #NASA #Space #TeacherInSpace

— BarelyMary (@MaryPepinMoran) January 28, 2013

27 years ago today, I witnessed the saddest day in @nasa history. #Challenger

— Nick Sprague (@nas38117) January 28, 2013

Today is the 27th anniversary of the #Challenger disaster. Although I was nine, I’ll never forget #ChristaMcAulliffe and the six astronauts.

— Jeremy Murphy(@JeremyMurphyMA) January 28, 2013

Video of the explosion:

President Reagan’s speech to a grieving nation:

It’s the 27th anniversary of the Space Shuttle #Challenger tragedy. Here is President Reagan’s speech. Let’s rememberyoutube.com/watch?v=Qa7icm…

— Kris Sims (@kris_sims) January 28, 2013

We will never forget.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/01/28/remembering-the-challenger-disaster-27-years-ago-today/

Remembering the #Challenger disaster: 27 years ago today

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