2015. június 21., vasárnap

Piers Morgan scolds Tenn. senator for ‘pressure cooker control’ joke


Piers Morgan made sure to put on his serious face tonight while scolding Tennessee Sen. Stacey Campfield for his call for pressure cooker control after the Boston Marathon bombings: exploiting a tragedy to score political points is no laughing matter, after all. In his self-appointed role as America’s conscience, Morgan concluded by laying the blame for America’s next mass shooting at the feet of “people like” Campfield.

Uh oh. @piersmorgan and TN state sen Stacey Campfield getting a tad heated. 2nd state senator this week to call him “dude”.

— Jonathan Wald (@jonathanwald) April 25, 2013

@piersmorgan You r a gentleman, a scholar, and a great contributor 2 thought in this country. Campfield = ignorant. Embarrassed for my state

— Walker Harrison (@snowharrison) April 25, 2013

America and @piersmorgan– please don’t judge us logical Tennesseans by @votestacey. I promise we don’t share his idiotic views. @cnn

— Russell Torbett (@SaintsDontBothr) April 25, 2013

@tennessean Agree! The whole world wonders what kind of fools elect a clown like Stacey Campfield (on @piersmorgan @cnn tonight)

— wendy marin (@wsmarin) April 25, 2013

@piersmorgan TN does not claim senator Campfield as its own!!!

— Jaxon Wolfe (@jaxonwolfe) April 25, 2013

Hey @piersmorgan, I’m from TN & I don’t want you to move back to England. #EmbarrassedForTN@piersmorganlive

— kat torbett (@kathtorb) April 25, 2013

Campfield’s critics accused him of being tasteless, but did his appearance expose him as racist as well?

@piersmorgan these senators poking at you about speaking in an english accent and you going back to britain is kinda racist.

— THENK (@xTHENKx) April 25, 2013

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/04/24/piers-morgan-scolds-tenn-sen-stacey-campfield-for-pressure-cooker-control-joke/

Piers Morgan scolds Tenn. senator for ‘pressure cooker control’ joke

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