2015. június 29., hétfő

Sarah Silverman offers ‘traditional lesbian sex’ for Obama donation


The Obama campaign’s desperate fundraising efforts are apparently having a trickle-down effect. If you and George Clooney can’t raise enough from donors in Switzerland, go to China. And if Sarah Silverman’s offer of boobs just isn’t bringing in the cash to defeat the Romney fundraising machine, offer “lesbian sex.”

We won’t go into detail about what exactly is on offer (feel free to watch below if you have the stomach), but it involves casino magnate Sheldon Adelson redirecting his $100 million campaign pledge to Obama.

Sarah’s followers keep it classy.

@SarahKSilverman poop for me Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!

— Julianne Garska (@JulianneGarska) July 16, 2012

Any takers?

So, another $10 or $15 for Obama RT@PJMedia_com: Sarah Silverman Will Have Sex for Obama Campaign Money http://t.co/95p7f7y2 #PJLifestyle

— Jim Dillman (@JimDillman) July 16, 2012

This made me vomit. "@PJMedia_com: Sarah Silverman Will Have Sex for Obama Campaign Money http://t.co/ksvINCZh #PJLifestyle"

— Chococat34 (@chococat34) July 16, 2012

@PJMedia_com I"d pay Sarah Silverman stop taking so many bong hits — and to be fun. But that isn"t going to happen.

— PrestoPundit (@PrestoPundit) July 16, 2012

dont do it Sheldon lol for 100 million you can do better lol http://t.co/C9pyFCaV

— Michael Harrelson (@mikeharrelson1) July 16, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/07/16/sarah-silverman-offers-traditional-lesbian-sex-for-obama-donation/

Sarah Silverman offers ‘traditional lesbian sex’ for Obama donation

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