2015. június 30., kedd

This Preschooler Befriended His 89-Year-Old WW2 Veteran Neighbor.

Emmett Rychner seems like just your average 3-year old boy, that is until you find out that he is best friends with his 89-year-old World War Two veteran neighbor, Erling Kindem. The two became friends last year when the inquisitive tot helped the elderly man tend to his tomato garden plot.

Ever since then, their close friendship blossomed. They even stayed close during the winter, when there was no gardening to tend to. Unfortunately, the Rychner family decided to sell their house and is set to move, breaking apart the inseparable pals.

Watch their story below, it will start by making you feel so good and happy…but by the end you’ll be in tears.

(Source: HLN)

I think we need to tie a thousand balloons to that man’s house, then we’ve got a real life ‘Up’ on our hands!

Share this beautiful friendship with your friends and family below.

Read more: http://viralnova.com/boy-friends-with-neighbor/

This Preschooler Befriended His 89-Year-Old WW2 Veteran Neighbor.

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