2015. június 22., hétfő

What This The Best Dad Ever Does When "Let It Go" Comes On The Radio Is Priceless. I Love It.

An adorable family was taking a drive in their car when something magical and adorable happened. “Let It Go” from Disney’s Frozen came on the radio… and Billy couldn’t resist a chance to sing with his 3 year-old daughter, Blakely.

At first, it was just a normal ride in the car…

Blakely’s mom, Britny, caught the whole thing on film. You gotta see it for yourself, your heart may just melt into a million tiny pieces. (Make sure to keep an eye out for the 0:40 second mark, that’s when things get really adorable.)

Source: Britny Pittman via Facebook Someone get this guy a Father Of The Year award, because this is just the most darling thing ever. Share it with your friends!

Read more: http://viralnova.com/let-it-go-dad/

What This The Best Dad Ever Does When "Let It Go" Comes On The Radio Is Priceless. I Love It.

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