2015. június 29., hétfő

Ryan compares NFL refs to Obama; ‘Can’t get it right, time to get out’


Oh, yes. He did. And it was beautiful. At a rally in Ohio today, GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan came out swinging. He likened the NFL replacement refs fiasco to President Obama and his administration. While President Obama continued his laser-like focus on himself, Rep. Ryan pointed out a few pesky facts.

Ryan kicks off town hall in Cincinnati by slamming replacement NFL refs and likening them to Obama administration

— Rebecca Kaplan (@RebeccaRKaplan) September 25, 2012

Ryan says the replacement refs remind him of the Obama economy. time to get new leaders in there.

— Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) September 25, 2012

Ryan: It is time to get the real refs. It reminds me of President Obama and the economy. If you can’t get it right it’s time to get out

— Joe Vardon (@joevardon) September 25, 2012

Paul Ryan: I half think these refs works part time for the obama administration in the budget office

— Justin Sink (@JTSTheHill) September 25, 2012

((VIDEO)) Ryan: NFL Refs Must Work For Obama"s Budget Office http://t.co/TkAvBU3g

— Fox Nation (@foxnation) September 25, 2012

More from Fox Nation:

PAUL RYAN: “I gotta start off on something that was really troubling that occured last night, did you guys watch that Packer game last night? Give me a break! It’s time to get the real refs!

You know, it reminds me of President Obama and the economy! If you can’t get it right, it’s time to get out!

I have think that these refs work part time for President Obama in the budget office!

Ha! Twitter users love his assessment.

over their heads RT @samsteinhp: Ryan says the replacement refs remind him of the Obama economy. time to get new leaders in there.

— Gerrit Lansing (@lansing) September 25, 2012

Oh snap. RT @jmsummers: Paul Ryan blasting #NFL replacement refs, says they remind him of Obama and the economy.

— Tim Murphy (@timothypmurphy) September 25, 2012

Good line RT @samsteinhp: Ryan says the replacement refs remind him of the Obama economy. time to get new leaders in there.

— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) September 25, 2012

YES!!! RT @edhenryTV Ryan rips refs + POTUS: "It is time to get the real refs & you know what it reminds me of- Pres.Obama and the economy."

— Seth (@dcseth) September 25, 2012

Let’s go to the video!


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/09/25/bada-zing-paul-ryan-says-nfl-refs-remind-him-of-obama-if-you-cant-get-it-right-its-time-to-get-out/

Ryan compares NFL refs to Obama; ‘Can’t get it right, time to get out’

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