2015. június 28., vasárnap

Conspicuous silence on Obama, SuperPAC collusion: Citizens demand action



@Lexvegaskid Correct. It"s abusrd…and it"s the standard the Democratic Senate Majority Leader has established.

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 9, 2012

Exactly. Senator Reid, and fellow travelers like Nancy Pelosi, have established the Reid standard. Some guy can tell you a thing that his second cousin’s girlfriend’s hairdresser said and you must disprove it. It’s “impossible to know for sure” and all. Senator Reid is still not answering the serious allegations leveled against him by concerned citizens. Will Team Obama? And, in this instance, it’s much, much more than “some guy said.”

It’s a clear-cut case of collusion. The press ran with unsubstantiated and scurrilous rumors made by Harry Reid. Will they push the White House on this serious, and substantiated, charge?

The Obama campaign is illegally coordinating with their SuperPAC. Under the Reid standard, it"s their job to prove me wrong.

— Eric H. (@ericinva) August 9, 2012

Seems when the @Obama2012 team gets asked about their collusion with a super PAC, they go quiet. @truthteam2012

— Dan Czech (@dpczech) August 9, 2012

I wonder if FEC is aware of @stefcutter and the Obama campaign"s collusion with the Super Pac

— ComfyPaws™ (@ComfyPaws) August 9, 2012

@JoeNBC are u going to talk about clear coordination btwn WH & super PAC tomorrow? & morality of Soptic lying & using his dead wife?

— Lrry Keho (@lrrykeho) August 9, 2012

Disturbing: Collusion between #Obama2012 and super PAC Priorities USA? http://t.co/2ptMedrU

— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) August 9, 2012


The #Obama #superPAC & the Obama campaign are certainly in collusion; the guy is wearing the same shirt in ads he did for both!

— Billy Hobden (@BillyHobden1) August 9, 2012

@stefcutter Does anyone in the 0bama campaign realize its ILLEGAL to collude w/ your pet “SuperPAC” as its been shown you did? @LarryOConnor

— WitCoHE (@E__Strobel) August 9, 2012

coincidentally, when Soptic read his pre-written statement in the @stefcutter call, he ALSO just happened to get sketchy with timeline.

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 9, 2012

Dirty Liars — they knew. Of course they knew. And I bet they coordinated too. http://t.co/7uWy9CcD

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) August 9, 2012


More from Politico, of all places. When you’ve lost Politico …

When President Obama’s aides said they weren’t familiar with former Missouri steelworker Joe Soptic’s life story, all they had to do was check their own campaign archives.

Soptic, laid off from Bain Capital-owned GST Steel, stars in a Priorities USA Action spot this week in which he tells of how his wife died without health insurance after he lost his job. Soptic also appeared, wearing what appears to be an identical shirt, in a May television ad for the Obama campaign.

Asked about the Priorities spot on MSNBC Wednesday morning, Robert Gibbs said he doesn’t “know the specifics” while Stephanie Cutter said on CNN: “I don’t know the facts about when Mr. Soptic’s wife got sick or the facts about his health insurance.”

As Twitchy reported earlier, Stephanie Cutter is a lying liar who lies. She pulled on her liar pants to claim that she didn’t know the details of the steelworker’s story in the despicable “Romney killed my wife” ad.

In this case, her pants may be illegally on fire.

"initiate legal proceedings for the obvious & illegal coordination between Obama’s campaign & the super-PAC" http://t.co/4OWNMQXe

— Gunservatively (@Gunservatively) August 9, 2012

More from Hot Air:

Noting that the core of the Priorities USA Action super-PAC ad is the same Joe Soptic that Barack Obama’s official campaign introduced in an ad of their own and a conference call arranged by the same Stephanie Cutter who tried playing “Mission Impossible” by disavowing any knowledge of Soptic yesterday, Michelle Malkin  urged Romney to start playing offense and initiate legal proceedings for the obvious and illegal coordination between Obama’s campaign and the super-PAC (via The Right Scoop):

Mitt Romney and the GOP would be wise to heed those words. Get yourself some brass ovaries, boys.

Obama campaign is done elaborating on the relationship they had with the star of the disgraced Super PAC ad: http://t.co/KAtpV5VJ

— Zac Moffatt (@ZacMoffatt) August 9, 2012

UPDATE: Spox @BenLaBolt: Yesterday"s statement "is all we"re putting out" re claim campaign was unfamiliar w/ Soptic http://t.co/Oe20hP6r

— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) August 9, 2012

What are you hiding, Team Obama? Why the silence?

Governor Romney, demand answers. Fight as hard as the citizens, whom you seek to lead, fight.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/08/09/conspicuous-silence-on-obama-superpac-collusion-using-the-reid-standard-team-obama-needs-to-disprove/

Conspicuous silence on Obama, SuperPAC collusion: Citizens demand action

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