2015. június 30., kedd

Bill Clinton, Fauxcahontas and the Obamas give the DCCC the chills


The DCCC’s got chills … they’re multiplyin’.

DCCC: "I get chills reading through this list: Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton and Elizabeth Warren." So does the rest of the US

— Joel Gehrke (@Joelmentum) August 23, 2012

They’re the ones the Dems want. Oo-oo-oo.

Apologies for the ear worm. We blame the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Or maybe Bush. And headwinds.

Click here to unhear it.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/08/23/bill-clinton-fauxcahontas-and-the-obamas-give-the-dccc-the-chills/

Bill Clinton, Fauxcahontas and the Obamas give the DCCC the chills

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