2015. május 27., szerda

Comedian-in-chief: Obama jokes about eating pit bulls (w/soy sauce) at Correspondents’ Dinner


We gave you a preview earlier Saturday of the annual Tiger Beat Banquet known in Washington as the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Well, tonight, President Obama turned up with all the other left-wing celebrities to deliver the obligatory Nerd Prom joke monologue — and there was mixed reaction to his attempt at self-deprecating, dog-eating humor.

Sprinkled liberally with a Sarah Palin swipe (of course) and…soy sauce.

In case you missed it, here’s the C-SPAN clip of Obama’s performance (dog joke at 8:41):

VIDEO: President Obama at @WHCA Dinner http://t.co/PZM4wO3l #nerdprom #whcd

— CSPAN (@cspan) April 29, 2012

Jim Treacher, the man who launched a thousand dog-eating jokes and recipes, reacts:

I figured #ObamaEatsDogs was pretty much done. Good job, @BarackObama! 😉

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) April 29, 2012

So, will Letterman be more likely to make #ObamaEatsDogs jokes now, or less? ("Who cares?" is a perfectly acceptable answer.)

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) April 29, 2012

I win.

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) April 29, 2012

Congrats to @jtLOL for OWNING the White House Correspondents Dinner. #nerdprom #WHCD

— Clay Wisner (@claymonster) April 29, 2012

The critics (including some clueless Twitter users who missed out on #obamaeatsdogs news) weigh in on the dog joke:

Obama"s pit bull joke did not seem to go over very well.

— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) April 29, 2012

Pretty good. RT @toddstarnes: Obama: "What"s the difference between a hockey mom & a pit bull? A pit bull is delicious."

— S.E. Cupp (@secupp) April 29, 2012

Obama bombed with the pit bull joke..

— TayupeinNY (@tayupe) April 29, 2012

Oh my, Mrs. Obama didn"t like the pit bull / Palin Jab.

— Jessica Perez (@special1candy) April 29, 2012

" …A pit bull is delicious." ? Mrs. Obama was creeped out too #WHCD” I couldn"t believe he told that joke. Really the dirtiest one told.

— not the real me (@jemsmom93) April 29, 2012

And more responses to the WHCD spectacle in general:

@cspan @WHCA Good God No! I change the channel every time Obama is on TV – can"t stand him.

— Deborah Morrison (@ddmo8) April 29, 2012

@cspan @WHCA I didn"t watch the first showing, I certainly won"t watch it a second time.

— Barb (@BarbofPA) April 29, 2012

Pres Obama was the main event. Surprisingly, Kimmel bombed. Just didn"t flow. He rushed it, and more focused on offending than being funny.

— S. Maxx Mahaffey (@smaxxmahaffey) April 29, 2012

Want a real belly laugh? Check out the “golfer-in-chief” video in case you missed it. Snort.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/04/29/comedian-in-chief-obama-jokes-about-eating-pit-bulls-wsoy-sauce-at-correspondents-dinner/

Comedian-in-chief: Obama jokes about eating pit bulls (w/soy sauce) at Correspondents’ Dinner

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