2015. április 30., csütörtök

Barefoot Street Performer Stuns The Audience With Her Soulful Voice.

This singer has got plenty of “sole”, which is odd, because she’s not actually wearing any shoes.

This amazing street performance by Sammie Jay was filmed by an excited onlooker as she performed her own original song, Killing Me Slowly, in the middle of Covent Garden in London, for hundreds of locals and tourists alike.

(Source: Mo Elnadi)

No disrespect to busking, but this girl should be gracing stages all over the world. She has a fantastic voice and I’d love to see her perform with a live band. In a club. With a bourbon in my hand.

Read more: http://viralnova.com/barefoot-street-singer/

Barefoot Street Performer Stuns The Audience With Her Soulful Voice.

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