2015. április 30., csütörtök

Getting used to it? CNN’s Candy Crowley says ‘President Romney’


On Sunday’s ‘State of the Union’ on CNN, host Candy Crowley accidentally said “President Romney” when talking to Ohio Sen. Rob Portman. This was music to the ears of Portman and other conservatives.

HA! On State of the Union today Candy Crowley called @mittromney, “President Romney” – bit.ly/YqosKfTWO MORE DAYS! #tcot #tlot

— Diana Rae (@DianaRae_FL) November 4, 2012

Crowley’s slip “President Romney” on State of Union.

— Kevin Gillis (@gilliskevin) November 4, 2012

Here’s the video:

Well, we did tell the libDems to get used to saying President Romney. And apparently Candy Crowley already has.

— Dawn Elizabeth Slike (@CantShutMeUpDES) November 4, 2012

Candy Crowley making a Freudian slip and calling Mitt Romney “President Romney.” #libs #cnn

— erin o’brien (@erin_m_obrien) November 4, 2012

Candy Crowley and most most public speakers of democrats always seems to refer to Gov.Romney as President Romney. It just flows off the lips

— WhichWay (@humblelyWE) November 4, 2012

Two more days.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/11/04/getting-used-to-it-cnns-candy-crowley-says-president-romney/

Getting used to it? CNN’s Candy Crowley says ‘President Romney’

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