2015. április 29., szerda

Obama talks about gay Russian athletes at presser after nobody asks about them


In one of the more disjointed and scattered press conferences in recent memory, President Obama took a moment to speak about gay rights in Russia after having been asked a question about that subject by nobody in particular:


Obama, segueing from a question about Edward Snowden’s temporary asylum in Russia, the cancelled summit with Putin and the general failure of the “reset button” to improve U.S./Russian relations, started talking about gay rights in that country as it pertains to their Olympic athletes:


Here’s the video:

Clearly Obama was in no hurry to get to Benghazi questions:




Obama’s explanation got a little confusing:


Perhaps one reason Obama veered into that subject is because he’s been a well-known champion of gay rights for several hundred days now:


Obama clearly thinks a lack of gay rights in Russia is not a “phony scandal.”


POTUS press conference: Did Obama flip Chuck Todd the bird? [pic, video]

POTUS: Obamacare just like iPad — has ‘glitches’ (Bonus: GOP hates sick people)

‘That kind of slouch’: Testy Obama takes a swipe at Putin’s posture

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/08/09/that-was-awkward-obama-talks-about-gay-russian-athletes-at-presser-after-nobody-asks-about-them/

Obama talks about gay Russian athletes at presser after nobody asks about them

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