2015. április 30., csütörtök

Video: ‘Hercules’ actor Kevin Sorbo blasts Hollywood lib intolerance


That’s right. Kevin Sorbo does not toe the Hollyweird leftist line. The “Hercules” actor was on “Fox & Friends” this morning. Fellow actor Ricky Schroder tweeted about meeting him in the Fox hallways.

It was great to run into Kevin Sorbo @ksorbs who is in @hallmarkmovie #ShadowOnTheMesa (PIC) twitter.com/rickyschroder/…

— Ricky Schroder (@rickyschroder) March 4, 2013

Mr. Sorbo’s appearance was short, but packed a punch.

Actor Kevin Sorbo today on Fox & Friends said, “Hollywood liberals preach tolerance, but they are the MOST INTOLLERANT people I know.”

— Hereistheanswer (@hereistheanswer) March 4, 2013

Boom! To the video tape:

Awesome. Sorbo first talked about how he has always been a Christian, and he praised Rev. Billy Graham.

Hercules is a Christian? Kevin Sorbo was just on Fox and Friends talking about his experience at age 13 at a Billy Graham Crusade.

— Linda Marie Lovison (@lilo623) March 4, 2013

Sorbo is featured in “Billy Graham and Me,” the latest from “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series.

He then went on to blast Hollywood hypocrisy, by rightly explaining that they preach tolerance, but are probably “the most intolerant people you will ever meet.” Bingo! It’s always tolerance for thee, but not for me. Diversity of thought? Need not apply.

Why @ksorbs soured on President Obama video.foxnews.com/v/220186125600…

— Brian Kilmeade (@kilmeade) March 4, 2013

As Twitchy readers know, Kevin Sorbo prefers the awesome Dr. Ben Carson.

Great #redeye guest, tooRT @noahcrothman: Kevin Sorbo on Fox & Friends: “I’m one of the true independent voices in Hollywood”

— the eye (@ShannonPoe) March 4, 2013

That he is! More, please, Mr. Sorbo.

Related: Some Hollywood “tolerance” in action:

Hercules’ actor Kevin Sorbo: Dr. Ben Carson ‘should be our president’; Carson leaves door open

Hollywood: ‘Why should the Bible’s definition of marriage be America’s definition, barbarians?’

Romney supporter Scott Baio: So much for liberal tolerance, huh?

Samuel L. Jackson: Is Stacey Dash crazy? Paul Ryan thanks Dash for support

Video: Emmy Awards skit portrays kid as Chick-fil-A-eating ‘monster’

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Actress Marg Helgenberger: ‘One can only hope’ NRA members get shot

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Ellen Barkin: Hey, Twitchy, stop taking ‘poetic license’ with your verbatim quotes of my tweets!

Vile: Ellen Barkin mocks Andrew Breitbart’s death; calls Right ‘pro-murder,’ ‘evil assholes’ and ‘scary ugly’; Update: She doubles down again

Jim Carrey: The lives of assault rifle owners aren’t really ‘worth protecting’

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Jim Carrey: Gun violence? That’s totally karma, bitter clingers

American Idiot 2: Jason Biggs knocks Christians; targets Ann Romney and Janna Ryan with vile tweets

Cher continues marathon rant against ‘scumbag’ Ted Cruz

Cher: Romney is ‘spineless racist,’ ‘cretin’; Must fight ‘T-Baggies’ Bachmann and Palin; Update: Her unintelligible rant continues

Cher doesn’t hate all Republicans, lovelies, just ‘T-Publicans’

Anti-Mormon bigot Cher: ‘Richy Rich Romney whitest man in magic underwear’

Cher doesn’t want to breathe the same air as Romney and his ‘racist homophobic women hating tea bagger masters’

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/03/04/video-hercules-actor-kevin-sorbo-praises-billy-graham-blasts-hollywood-liberal-intolerance-on-fox-friends/

Video: ‘Hercules’ actor Kevin Sorbo blasts Hollywood lib intolerance

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