2015. április 29., szerda

This Incredible Young Man Didn"t Let Having Cerebral Palsy Define Who He Is. Now He"s An Athlete.

This is Ben Jackson, an incredible young man who was born with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Being the strong spirit that he is, Ben didn’t want that to define him. He pushed himself to become a wrestler – but even then – Ben wasn’t finished. He’s now striving to compete at the international level in weightlifting. Ben is just one inspirational athlete who truly defines what it means to win from within.

Ben is living proof that your body’s limits should never become your mind’s. What a strong young man! (Source: Gatorade) Share Ben’s inspirational story with your friends and family by hitting the button below.

Read more: http://viralnova.com/cerebral-palsy-athlete/

This Incredible Young Man Didn"t Let Having Cerebral Palsy Define Who He Is. Now He"s An Athlete.

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