2015. április 29., szerda

Dana Loesch smacks down Code Pink protestor at Romney’s acceptance speech


A Code Pink demonstrator had to go undercover — that is, not dress up like a vagina — in her attempt to disrupt Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech at the RNC Thursday night. After being escorted out by security, though, the Code Pink member had her life disrupted by Breitbart.com’s Dana Loesch and colleagues.

@DLoesch yells at pathetic Code Pink hecklers: "You bitches! You classless cougars! U-S-A!" #war #BreitbartRNC

— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) August 31, 2012

Code Pink Infiltrates Romney"s speech.. Me, @Breeannehowe @dloesch & @chrisloesch have fun with the chaos. http://t.co/kIZH1glv

— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) August 31, 2012

The protestor, who thought she had something important to say on the floor of the convention, didn’t have much to share about who gave her access to the event.

I want to thank code pink for proving conclusively that not everyone there was a republican. (cont) @DLoesch

— Aaron Worthing (@AaronWorthing) August 31, 2012

RT @NolteNC: @DLoesch Who gave them Code Pink the media passes?

— Jim Lakely (@jlakely) August 31, 2012

…Code Pink hecklers are thought to have been facilitated by media organizations providing them with spare passes. http://t.co/s9qaD5FH

— Athena (@VintagePrecious) August 31, 2012

@DLoesch incredible that they equivocated a press pass to license 1st Amd press privileges to disrupt a meeting. #ConstitutionFail by #p2

— Jon (@PoliticsofJon) August 31, 2012

@DLoesch You go, girl! Of course libs don"t answer ?s about protesting other libs. It confuses them (like FACTS do, ya know? LOL)

— 4three (@Nookumbunny) August 31, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/08/31/dana-loesh-smacks-down-code-pink-protestor-after-attempt-to-disrupt-romneys-acceptance-speech/

Dana Loesch smacks down Code Pink protestor at Romney’s acceptance speech

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