2015. április 28., kedd

Fox’s Chris Wallace fires back at Dem rep. over Benghazi talking points


Apparently, Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) thought he could appear on “Fox News Sunday” with Chris Wallace and rattle off some Democratic talking points on Benghazi without being challenged.

Rep. Adam Smith is a really poor talking points parrot.Getting pantsed by Chris Wallace right now.

— David Blackmon (@GDBlackmon) May 12, 2013

Chris Wallace on @foxnewssunday “That is what I’m here for sir, I’m not a potted plant, I’m here to ask some questions” #Benghazi

— Jeff Hallett (@jeff_hallett) May 12, 2013

He was wrong. Wallace reminded him that it is his job to push back and ask tough questions.

“I’m not a potted plant”…. Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday.#worthwatching

— Mary Kay Wigginton (@mk_wigginton) May 12, 2013

Chris Wallace (FoxNewSunday) just called Dem-Rep Adam Smith (WA) on the Democratic #Benghazi BU!!$hit. It was AWESOME!

— Rachel Taylor Smith (@Rachel_T_Smith) May 12, 2013

“I’m not a potted plant; I’m here to ask some questions” -Chris Wallace @foxnewssunday #wellplayed

— Zachary K Pearce (@GovPearce) May 12, 2013

Watching Chris Wallace eat Adam Smith’s lunch re: #Benghazi. My takeaway? If you’re a (D), ok to lie and deceive but if (R)s, god help you.

— cabock (@cabock) May 12, 2013

Love it! Dem Smith on FoxNewsSunday says “We don’t know who changed talking points” – Chris Wallace we do too! “White House & State Dept!”

— mark wonderful (@markwonderful) May 12, 2013

@foxnewspolitics um, this guy on w/Chris Wallace is a totally blinded partisan person calling a needed investigation a partisan activity???

— gillian busard doll (@gillianbdoll) May 12, 2013

Adam Smith (D-WA) on Fox with Chris Wallace “Wait till we have all the facts prior to opining” — (then we can say it was a long time ago!)

— Dan T (@DT48RasTanura) May 12, 2013

It’s refreshing to see some in the media pursue the truth about an event that cost the lives of four brave Americans.

#Sundayshows about #benghazi and #irs David Gregory- B-; Bob Schieffer- B+; Chris Matthews- F; Chris Wallace- A-; didn’t see George S. #tcot

— Charles Parker (@cpbrevard) May 12, 2013

Good work by Chris Wallace @foxnewssunday as he declares “I’m not a potted plant”. His job is tough Q’s. Don’t like it don’t go on show.

— Brian Hegseth (@BrianHegseth) May 12, 2013


Here’s video of Wallace’s response:

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/05/12/im-not-a-potted-plant-foxs-chris-wallace-fires-back-at-dem-rep-over-benghazi-talking-points/

Fox’s Chris Wallace fires back at Dem rep. over Benghazi talking points

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