2015. április 30., csütörtök

War on women: S.C. AFL-CIO President violently smashing Nikki Haley effigy, no regrets; Update: I stand with Haley


The South Carolina AFL-CIO president is on video beating an effigy of Governor Nikki Haley with a bat. War on women, indeed, and it comes from the Left as always.

So, all you sweet #union supporters, do you approve of the SC AFL-CIO beating a pinata of the face of Governor @nikkihaley ?

— Melissa Clouthier (@MelissaTweets) May 22, 2012

Here is the reprehensible video:

Imagine Obama"s face on a pinata being hit by a white #TeaParty leader. A white AFL-CIO prez hit a pinata of a woman governor of color.

— Melissa Clouthier (@MelissaTweets) May 22, 2012

Will media obsessed with targets and Sarah Palin get upset about beating of Nikki Haley pinata? http://t.co/KxYA9ned

— Matthew Sheffield (@mattsheffield) May 22, 2012

Hey, it’s not like the AFL-CIO president used a crosshair or anything, right? Just a baseball bat to beat in the face of a Governor Haley effigy. If using a crosshair is an incitement to violence, what is encouraging actual violence against Governor Haley?

"Union thugs" is a factual statement. Video proof: http://t.co/Ubge6QF0

— Bill Hobbs (@billhobbs) May 22, 2012

SC AFL-CIO president Donna DeWitt just confirmed to me she is woman in video, says she has no regrets: http://t.co/g8V47L1f

— Katrina Trinko (@KatrinaTrinko) May 22, 2012

No regrets. She had it coming.

More DeWitt on Haley pinata: "I don"t regret it …There was certainly no viciousness. It was all in fun." http://t.co/Zt48gtSC

— Katrina Trinko (@KatrinaTrinko) May 22, 2012

All in fun? Violence against women is oh-so-hilarious. Also, nothing new for the Left. Lip service to Violence Against Women Act? Try cleaning your own violent house first, Left.

"Hit her again! Hit her again!"–union goons to bat-wielding SC AFL-CIO prez Donna DeWitt. Vid & more==>http://t.co/F31GYiPo

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) May 22, 2012

"Wait till the Face comes around and whack her" – AFL-CIO prez attacks Nikki Haley pinata http://t.co/ZmSsay9Y

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) May 22, 2012

I realize unions don"t like Haley"s stance toward them, but "smashing a piñata effigy" of her is wildly inappropriate: http://t.co/zjlWJxl9

— Scott Huffmon (@WinthropPoll) May 22, 2012

And listen to the end of the video (h/t @MelissaTweets.) “She’s a tough old broad” is heard and then  someone off camera says “tough old bitch.”

More than wildly inappropriate.

But that doesn’t matter to Leftist thugs and union goons. She was asking for it, you see. That “uppity” woman won’t keep her mouth shut and all. Scratch a Leftist and you will find not only a misogynist, but a racist.

The garbage they spew at Governor Haley is a prime example and has now moved from words to violent action. As a conservative woman, she has been subjected to revolting garbage over and over. And as a woman of color, it is even worse. Funny how it is only the Left who sees her as “a woman of color.” Conservatives see her as a strong leader who just happens to be a woman, a wife, a mother and a fantastic governor.

South Carolina’s Democrat chair Dick Harpootlian has likened her to “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” — silly woman! Get back in the kitchen. And recently, a South Carolina Democrat disgustingly called her a “Sikh Jesus.”

RT @DLoesch South Carolina Dems at it again, slurring Gov Nikki Haley http://t.co/t1EDCM5j #tcot #Fail

— Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 17, 2012

South Carolina GOP chair demands firing of Democratic official who called @nikkihaley "Sikh Jesus" http://t.co/U4MvagBV

— Ben Smith (@BuzzFeedBen) May 17, 2012

South Carolina Democrat Phil Bailey deleted those tweets, but the internet is forever.

Will Governor Haley get a presidential phone call from President Obama? A beating in effigy is worse than being called a bad name, isn’t it? Nah, of course she won’t. She’s not the “right kind” of woman. Plus, President Obama is aligned with and fully supports these union thugs and their sweet, sweet campaign money.

New tone? No, same old Leftist tone: misogyny, racism and violence.

Can"t wait for WaPo"s front-page-above-fold story about Rich Trumka"s reaction to his SC head beating Gov. Haley in effigy.

— Ed Frank (@frankstrategies) May 22, 2012

Indeed. We won’t hold our breaths.

UPDATE: #IstandwithHaley begins. Stay strong, Governor. You have many supporting you and standing with you.

I think it"s time for #istandwithhaley. Because strong conservative women drive union thugs wild. http://t.co/jv5vmZSf

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) May 22, 2012

Because proud conservative women expose the worst prog bigotry simply by EXISTING. #istandwithhaley http://t.co/jv5vmZSf

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) May 22, 2012


Yes. Governor Haley is being punished by union goons for the horrible crime of creating  jobs by moving businesses like Boeing into South Carolina. The monster!

#istandwithhaley because strong conservative women are the country"s future

— CJHill (@cjhillrwb) May 22, 2012

Cos women ain"t pinatas 4 your daily
H8 release !

— ıɹɐɹɹǝɟɯoʇ -HIRE ME! (@tomferrari) May 22, 2012

#istandwithhaley AND #istandwithboeing RIGHT TO WORK

— Ratio Christi SHSU (@RC_SHSU) May 22, 2012

#IStandWithHaley I stand with anyone who exposes the left for the hateful hypocrites they are.

— SkipTweets (@SkipInSpokane) May 22, 2012

#istandwithhaley bcuz misogyny by leftists/Obama donors is rampant and repugnant.

— Miss Tory (@misstory) May 22, 2012

When any group thinks beating a women is funny, regardless of political views, they are sick and evil in the head. #istandwithhaley

— Strategic Grandma (@CoFemale) May 22, 2012


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/05/22/war-on-women-s-c-afl-cio-president-violently-smashing-nikki-haley-effigy-no-regrets/

War on women: S.C. AFL-CIO President violently smashing Nikki Haley effigy, no regrets; Update: I stand with Haley

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