2015. április 28., kedd

Matt Drudge teases campaign sex scandal; Twitter speculates; Menendez?


If this is an October surprise, it’s coming in just under the wire. Matt Drudge on Wednesday night teased readers with the words, “Sex Scandal to Hit Campaign … Developing.” Those ellipses leave so much room for speculation. Is it a presidential campaign, necessarily?

For those asking, I have no idea what Drudge is up to with the sex scandal tease. Y’all know as much about Drudge as I do.

— John Nolte(@NolteNC) October 31, 2012

Guess: If sex scandal invoved either R or O, we’d have ourselves a siren.

— John Nolte(@NolteNC) October 31, 2012

Drudge has the sex scandal top left. Not banner or main. No red lettering.

— Hughost Hackenskull™ (@MangyLover) October 31, 2012

That siren has been a bit disappointing lately. Perhaps it’s in the shop for recalibration. Any other guesses? Lots of money on an Obama/Christie bromance. Or is an old pro back to his old tricks?

Obama/Christie? RT @toddstarnes: Drudge is teasing us — says a sex scandal is about to hit a campaign. Hmm…

— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) October 31, 2012


@noltenc Sex scandal is Obama and Christie

— J. D. Stewart (@rebelmswar) October 31, 2012

It’s probably Slick Willy. #sexscandal

— David A (@CygnusA81) October 31, 2012

I will be stunned if the sex scandal teased on Drudge has to do with either Obama or Romney.I’m betting Clinton.Always a safe bet.

— Cara Ellison (@caraellison) October 31, 2012

Sex Scandal Campaign? Bill Clinton?

— Vote Romney (@mangano1974) October 31, 2012

Strange world where a sex scandal can ruin a conservative but strengthen a liberal. But we’ll see. This better be good…

— Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) October 31, 2012

“Sex Scandal” is going to break.I’m betting Biden.The man is ruggedly handsome and has a thing about getting Biker Chicks to sit on his lap.

— Leaping Lemurs (@practicetheory) October 31, 2012

Who could be involved in the sex scandal?Gloria Allred couldn’t dig upanything on Mitt.Joe Biden and the biker chick?

— TBradley (@TBradleyNC) October 31, 2012

My prediction about Drudge sex scandal: DWSchultz. Seriously.

— Leslie Dowd (@LADowd) October 31, 2012

Drudge reporting a sex scandal on horizon…that’s got Axelrod written all over it.

— MJ (@MJGWBuffalo) October 31, 2012

What if the sex scandal is that Paul Ryan is divorcing his wife for Stacey Dash?

— Shenehneh (@justloren) October 31, 2012

Biden with a woman from India. It all makes sense now. RT @talkmaster: Drudge says we have a sex scandal on the way!October surprise?

— Kathleen McKinley (@KatMcKinley) October 31, 2012

There’s a campaign sex scandal brewing on the same day that Joe Biden was talking about giving everyone his “full load”?

— Devon Wiese(@DevonMWiese) October 31, 2012

The Drudge Report is claiming “sex scandal to hit campaign”. Just teasing, probably a minor race. #us2012

— Andrew (@MaybeAndrew) October 31, 2012

When Drudge posts about a sex scandal in a State Senate race in Alabama, you’re going to feel really silly.

— Grant Bosse (@grantbosse) October 31, 2012

Is is possible to suffer from sex scandal fatigue? It’s looking that way.

Ugh..I’m so over this crap. RT @toddstarnes: Drudge is teasing us — says a sex scandal is about to hit a campaign.

— Kate Braddock (@fatekisminy) October 31, 2012

There isn’t a sex scandal scenario that would affect my decision.

— Mamadoxie (@Mamadoxie) October 31, 2012

If a sex scandal doesn’t involve a dead hooker and a suitcase of blow, I don’t give a rats ass.

— Hughost Hackenskull™ (@MangyLover) October 31, 2012

Happy Dirt Thursday! Drudge promises us the sex we’ve been missing.

So what’s been missing… SEX!Looks like at least one campaign about to be hit with an expose on DIRT THURSDAY. [Bush DUI 12 yrs ago]

— MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) November 1, 2012


Drudge adds that the scandal involves a “powerful senator” and says the Daily Caller (the source behind the “Obama’s Other Race Speech” siren) will have more details later tonight.


— John Ekdahl, Jr. (@JohnEkdahl) November 1, 2012

Ah! Another Drudge-Daily Caller tag team. What could go wrong.

— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) November 1, 2012

Since this scoop is from the Daily Caller, the Beltway Media is already drafting a defense.

— RB (@RBPundit) November 1, 2012


Do we have a winner? Many, including the Daily Kos, are guessing that the scandal involves New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez — although the “powerful senator” tease seems to be a stretch.

Twitter rumors suggest #DrudgeSexScandal involves Sen. Bob Menendez (@menendez4nj) and hookers in the Dominican Republic. Unconfirmed yet.

— Anthony Adragna (@aadragna) November 1, 2012

It’s not often Drudge gets scooped, but The Daily Kos won this round. Bob Menendez likes hookers m.dailykos.com/story/2012/10/… #DrudgeSexScandal

— Shane Wright (@ShaneWright22) November 1, 2012

I’ve got three folks and they’re solid. Menendez and Dominicain prostitute(s) while on taxpayer funded trip(s). #NJsen

— Ali A. Akbar (@ali) November 1, 2012

If it is Menendez – Drudge needs to fire the headline writer who referred to him as a “powerful senator” LOL

— Brad Thor (@BradThor) November 1, 2012

Powerful? Menendez is a divorced 1-term Senator. Chair of subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps and Narcotics Affairs

— Prudence Paine (@PruPaine) November 1, 2012

You can send me tweets telling me how important #Menendez is, but seriously, majority of Americans have no clue who he is. #DrudgeSexScandal

— Madeleine McAulay (@m_mcaulay) November 1, 2012

@m_mcaulay Still a senate seat. One closer to 50. #chessnotcheckers

— Clark Riemer (@clarkriemer) November 1, 2012

For no reason in particular, I will mention that Robert Menendez is up about 19 points in the NJ senate race as of today. Could get closer..

— AG (@AG_Conservative) November 1, 2012

Menendez, the junior senator from New Jersey, is running for reelection against Republican Joseph Kyrillos. Ah, that powerful senator!

Sorry, Drudge. Not interested in the Menendez scandal. NJ needs our help right now, and there are more important stories before election.

— S.E. Cupp (@secupp) November 1, 2012

Menendez and hookers? I was hoping at least for Reid, a basket, and a bottle of lotion.

— Stephen Green (@VodkaPundit) November 1, 2012

We’ll have some laughs at Menendez’ expense, but it’s Jersey. He’ll stay in the race and win. Again, it’s Jersey.

— RB (@RBPundit) November 1, 2012

While we wait for Drudge to unleash the siren, here’s a fun video to pass the time — something about Secret Service agents and a Colombian prostitution scandal.

@dminor85 Check this youtube.com/watch?v=l4JVrp…

— MrBroes (@mrbroes) November 1, 2012

You know how it is on Dirt Thursday when you have to wait to tear the wrapping off the latest political sex scandal? So do these folks.

now I know what Dominican hooker feels like with an elderly senator. #waitingwaiting

— el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) November 1, 2012

Not unlike most members of the United States Senate, @dailycaller can’t seem to get it up.

— Erik Telford (@BlameTelford) November 1, 2012

.@dailycaller is blowin the lid off… pumpkin carvings! – bit.ly/SwUHp7

— Just Karl (@justkarl) November 1, 2012

Breaking on @dailycaller: explosive video of paint drying, grass growing!!

— el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) November 1, 2012

@dailycaller get on the ball. Please!!! Were waiting!!!

— Stephanie Janiczek (@SMjaniczek) November 1, 2012

Okay Drudge and Daily Caller, you have 15 minutes, or I’m going to bed.

— David Henry (@imau2fan) November 1, 2012

Alright, I’ll check back when the @dailycaller gets their act together, not losing sleep over Bob Menendez and his underage hookers.

— Shane Wright (@ShaneWright22) November 1, 2012


And there you have it:

Women: Sen. Bob Menendez paid us for sex in the Dominican Republic: bit.ly/PIyzsS

— Matthew Boyle (@mboyle1) November 1, 2012

Two women allege that Sen. Menendez paid them for sex in the Dominican Republic earlier this year. But he didn’t pay up everything he owed, they claim.

In interviews, the two women said they met Menendez around Easter at Casa de Campo, an expensive 7,000 acre resort in the Dominican Republic. They claimed Menendez agreed to pay them $500 for sex acts, but in the end they each received only $100.

Yes, that’s the same Sen. Menendez who called for Secret Service agents involved in the Colombian hooker scandal to be fired.

FLASHBACK:Senator Called for Secret Service Agents to be fired over prostitution scandal…drudge.tw/SoJiFk


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/10/31/matt-drudge-teases-campaign-sex-scandal-twitter-speculates/

Matt Drudge teases campaign sex scandal; Twitter speculates; Menendez?

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