2015. április 30., csütörtök

Douche of the day: Lib harasses young woman at Chick-fil-A window; Updated


Behold, the blueprint for liberal douchebaggery.

Yes we can! RT @mkhammer: RT @sonnybunch: Also: We can proclaim this guy King Douche, right? http://t.co/1KgzSu4P

— Tom (@tominpress) August 2, 2012

King Douche is a real tough guy. All man, this one. Enveloped in a cloud of smug, he bravely rolled up on a young lady at Chick-fil-A to demand free water and berate her about gay marriage.

But that wasn’t enough.

This tolerance thug was so proud of his jerktastic performance that he recorded it and put it up on YouTube. Intentionally.

And then conservatives discovered it.

This guy berating the #Chickfila female employee is a class act. A real, real class act. http://t.co/POOPuXCp

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 2, 2012

And by "class act" I mean "total doucher."

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 2, 2012

Winning hearts and minds one YouTube video at a time! We have a feeling he’d get along swimmingly with the tolerant liberals who hoped Christians would choke to death on their Chick-n-Strips on Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.

Douchebag must feel like a real tough guy bullying this poor girl. http://t.co/SvVaRN2b #chickfila #lgbt #tcot (h/t @DLoesch)

— Gun Runner (@bwalkertx) August 2, 2012

This is the left in America…_—–.> http://t.co/bzUucYs5 #Chickfila unreal. Stand up America!

— Go Colts!!! (@hoosierclinger) August 2, 2012

Would-Be Internet ***STAR!!!*** Seeks to Document Hatred & Stupidity; Succeeds http://t.co/ESeNoHoa via @politicalmath

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 2, 2012

I just tested this guy "Adam Smith"s" douchebag-mitichlorian count; I"ve never seen the DoucheForce stronger

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 2, 2012

"Wow, I got some great video today! I"m positive the video really shows the world who"s the hero and who"s the villain!!!" Correct.

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 2, 2012

"Not a gay in me" = more information than is typically shared in a routine transfer of chicken.

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 2, 2012

This sad human being is why we"ll win in November. The Lftists are coming unhinged and revealing their hate. #tcot http://t.co/Po66W2QZ

— cosmoscon (@gdthomp01) August 2, 2012


The unhinged lib quickly pulled the video from YouTube. But he wasn’t fast enough.

Jim Treacher to the rescue:

So glad @jtLOL was able to help out after this brave activist accidentally deleted his "let"s bully #ChickFilA" vid: http://t.co/MNweUhkQ

— sdog (@s_dog) August 2, 2012

Looks like Amsmith77Amsmith accidentally deleted his great Chick-fil-A video: http://t.co/2nhdk7KL

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) August 2, 2012

Blogger Ace of Spades revised his Twitter bio and avatar to have a little fun at King Douche’s expense. Say hello to Johnny Douchechills:

My next video will be me crapping my pants and walking down the street with a load. In protest of, uh, apartheid? is that still a thing?

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 2, 2012

brb, fightin for freedom, one free water at a time

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 2, 2012

brb, fightin the forces of hate by stiffing a Dominos delivery boy on his tip

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 2, 2012

some people think i"m morally blind or can"t see myself properly. Well, this HUGE GLOWING HALO around my head is pretty BRIGHT, okay?

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 2, 2012

notice my tinted prescription douchebag glasses? That"s to reduce the glare from my beautiful Halo of Heroism.

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 2, 2012

While mocking this oh-so-tolerant lefty for showing his true unhinged colors, the conservative Twitterverse also celebrated how the Chick-fil-A employee handled the attack.


The girl at the Chick-fil-A window ought to be offered jobs with public relations firms, because she"s unflappable, a natural at it.

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 2, 2012

Get this woman a peach shake!

Chick-fil-A "COMPOSURE" demotivator. http://t.co/61z6CC71

— rdbrewer (@rdbrewer4) August 2, 2012



It looks like King Douche Adam Smith may have gotten the axe from his employer.

Whoa. RT @TheH2: .@aceofspadeshq Johnny Douchechills lost his job http://t.co/aSEpRmEJ

— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) August 2, 2012

Vante, a medical supplies manufacturer, reportedly released this statement just a short while ago:

Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A. Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company.

The actions of Mr. Smith do not reflect our corporate values in any manner. Vante is an equal opportunity company with a diverse workforce, which holds diverse opinions. We respect the right of our employees and all Americans to hold and express their personal opinions, however, we also expect our company officers to behave in a manner commensurate with their position and in a respectful fashion that conveys these values of civility with others.

We hope that the general population does not hold Mr. Smith’s actions against Vante and its employees.

Investors Business DailyBusiness Insider, MSNBC, and other outlets are reporting Smith’s firing as well, so the Market Wire statement appears to be true.

He"s still listed as CFO here: http://t.co/hM3KCK0E

— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) August 2, 2012

@moxiemom I went to Vante looking for the PR on their News page. Nada.

— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) August 2, 2012

Vante’s website has been down intermittently — King Douche has really piqued the public’s interest in Vante’s services — so it’s possible that they’re updating their staff information. We’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, Cuffé makes an interesting observation:

Adam Smith works/worked for a catheter company. So, you know: total dick.

— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) August 2, 2012


Listen, Adam. Now that you’re quite possibly unemployed, maybe you should give Chick-fil-A a call. We hear you’re a big fan of their free water.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/08/02/douche-of-the-day-tolerance-bully-proudly-harasses-young-woman-at-chick-fil-a-window/

Douche of the day: Lib harasses young woman at Chick-fil-A window; Updated

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