2015. április 30., csütörtök

Video: Barack Obama-Mad Men mash-up


From CBS Washington:

Perhaps it’s safe to note that Barack Obama has been less popular than “Mad Men” since 2008, the year each took powerful positions in the American psyche. Regardless, the two — previously unconnected — are mashed together in a video produced by the Chris Matthews Show in anticipation of the drama’s season five premiere.

Titled “Chief Exec,” the video is a recreation of Mad Men’s opening credits and features the president standing in a disintegrating Oval Office before falling through the air of Rockefeller Plaza while advertisements visualizing his GOP rivals and most threatening domestic issues race past.

Will Rabbe, a producer with The Chris Matthews Show, said both Matthews and the crew are big fans of Mad Men and wanted to commemorate the premiere in an original way. He credits colleague Rodney Turner with the video’s closeness to the show’s original opening

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/03/26/video-barack-obama-mad-men-mash-up/

Video: Barack Obama-Mad Men mash-up

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