2015. április 30., csütörtök

US envoy (not Dennis Rodman) hopes to free Christian missionary Kenneth Bae from North Korea [video]


Kenneth Bae is an American citizen who has been imprisoned in North Korea since November. The 45-year-old Christian missionary was accused of committing “hostile acts” against the country and sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.

Dennis Rodman’s buddy “Kim” has refused to “do him a solid” by releasing Bae. So much for “basketball diplomacy.”

On Friday, the U.S. will attempt a different kind of diplomacy. Special envoy for North Korean human rights issues, Bob King, will travel to Pyongyang to make the case for Bae’s release on humanitarian grounds. His recent health problems caused him to lose fifty pounds and he has been moved from a labor camp into a hospital.



Warm welcome, DPRK-style?



Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/08/29/us-envoy-not-dennis-rodman-hopes-to-free-christian-missionary-kenneth-bae-from-north-korea-video/

US envoy (not Dennis Rodman) hopes to free Christian missionary Kenneth Bae from North Korea [video]

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