2015. április 30., csütörtök

: ‘War on women is fiction’


Twitter is loving them some Reince Priebus today. When the Chairman of the Republican National Committee tweeted the above earlier, who knew it would result in this epic smack-down?

MSNBC"s @ThomasARoberts says Pro-Life women aren"t really women…RNC Chairman @Reince Priebus sets him straight: http://t.co/kSeaD9BZ

— LeftyBollocks (@LeftyBollocks) April 11, 2012

Mr. Priebus says he’s not walking back and is doubling down, calling the Democrat and media-manufactured war on women what it is: Fiction.

RT @ThomasARoberts: now on @msnbctv, RNC Chair Reince Priebus says of caterpillar comment: no walking back comment, instead "double down."

— Heart in Portland (@dohlink) April 11, 2012

He correctly says the real war on women is being perpetrated by President Obama, who has put our economy on the wrong track. Twitter, including actor Adam Baldwin, is cheering him on.

RNC chair Reince Preibus FILLETS MSNBC hack on bogus "war on women" meme dems are peddling. http://t.co/km3oFEnJ

— Vicki Mckenna (@VickiMcKenna) April 11, 2012

Reince Priebus is the man. Way to stand by your word and stay on message. Stick it to him on the economy, Reince. http://t.co/zOeIlJi0

— Leah (@oooitsleah) April 11, 2012


@RBPundit @Reince is so much better than Michael Steele was. Keep up the good work, Mr. Priebus.

— Laura McGinnis (@Txsleuth) April 11, 2012

More of this, please! Truth to power, baby.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/04/11/reince-priebus-on-msnbc-war-on-women-is-fiction/

: ‘War on women is fiction’

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