2015. augusztus 29., szombat

Baby Bird Lands On A Guy"s Guitar Mid-Song, But The Band Just Keeps On Playing!

What happens to this band mid-song might just be the most Disney-esque moment ever to happen in real life.

While Josh Williams and his band were performing at the Doyle Lawson Bluegrass Festival at Denton Farm Park in Denton, North Carolina, a small baby bird landed right on his guitar while he was in the middle of playing his guitar and singing. The best part is how he keeps his cool and finishes the song, all while the little bird just sits on his guitar.

Not that I’m surprised, with a singing voice like that he’s clearly used to getting all the chicks.

(Source: Ted Lehmann)

He looks kinda like a father holding his kid for the first time, just amazed by the miracle of life.

Share this Bluegrass loving bird with your friends below.

Read more: http://viralnova.com/bird-on-guitar/

Baby Bird Lands On A Guy"s Guitar Mid-Song, But The Band Just Keeps On Playing!

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