2015. augusztus 6., csütörtök

Patton Oswalt laments Soros’ political influence, then praises Soros-backed ad


Today, radical leftist billionaire George Soros pledged $1 million to Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action. That didn’t sit well with liberal comedian Patton Oswalt.

It goes without saying that putting the Kochs and Sheldon Adelson on the same plane as vile anti-Semite George Soros is flat-out ridiculous. But Oswalt deserves some credit at least for pointing out that the Left is just as willing and able as anyone else to use its financial resources to influence the political landscape. Oswalt’s next tweet, though, pretty much killed his initial argument:

(2 of 2) Now THIS is the kind of activism that makes me proud. Thank you, @SamuelLJackson: http://t.co/3h1fGsDz

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) September 27, 2012

Here’s the ad Oswalt is referring to:

What he doesn’t seem to realize is that the ad was put out by a super PAC affiliated with … George Soros. The Jewish Council for Education and Research, which also released a disgusting Sarah Silverman video, is backed by Soros’ son Alexander.

Breitbart.com’s Joel Pollack has more:

Not even the smug liberalism which emanates from some corners of the Jewish institutional world would stoop as low as Soros. He has defamed the enterprise of Jewish education and the Jewish community. In any other context–i.e. if a Jew were not involved–the abuse of the “Jewish” label would be considered antisemitic.

In addition to profound bigotry, what the “Jewish Council” ads suggest is the desperation of Obama supporters in Washington and Hollywood. The Jackson ad suggests that Democrats fear and know that their supporters are less motivated to vote today than in 2008. It repeats several outright lies about Romney–i.e. that he does not believe in any kind of safety net–and in the end resorts to profanity, not only from Jackson but from a child.

If that’s the kind of activism that makes Patton proud, he ought to reevaluate some things.



Comedian Patton Oswalt gay-baits Marcus Bachmann with vulgar tweet

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/09/27/patton-oswalt-laments-soros-financial-influence-in-politics-then-praises-soros-backed-political-ad/

Patton Oswalt laments Soros’ political influence, then praises Soros-backed ad

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