2015. augusztus 4., kedd

Video: Delonte West gives NBA opponent a ‘wet-willy’


Dallas Mavericks star Delonte West has a weird way of expression his anger. He knows not to spit on his opponent and he wouldn’t dare throw a punch, but dammit if you piss him off he will shove his finger in your ear!

"The game is emotional, it"s physical and you just get caught in the moment sometimes."" – Delonte West on poking Gordon Hayward in the ear

— Dwain Price (@DwainPrice) April 17, 2012

Wait, Delonte West did WHAT????

— Tito Esteban-Sabado (@DJTosin) April 17, 2012


Delonte west is a true gangsta!! Take his wet willy and like it Gordan Hayward, next time its a swirly!!! Haha cracks me up

— Danny G (@Bittersweet2219) April 17, 2012

Delonte West got in trouble for giving wet willies. C"mon at least he wasn"t riding around on his motorcycle with a shotgun again.

— Jon Adams (@Jonathan_Adams_) April 17, 2012

Delonte West getting t"d up for giving Gordon Heyward a wet willie on Nat"l tv is priceless

— Rick (@sweetneve) April 17, 2012

Delonte West got in trouble for giving wet willies. C"mon at least he wasn"t riding around on his motorcycle with a shotgun again.

— Jon Adams (@Jonathan_Adams_) April 17, 2012

Wait, before I go… delonte West gave Gordon Hayward a wet willy in an NBA game… What"s wrong with y"all mans DMVers??

— IG: @RodneyRikai (@RodneyRikai) April 17, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/04/17/video-delonte-west-gives-nba-opponent-a-wet-willy/

Video: Delonte West gives NBA opponent a ‘wet-willy’

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