2015. augusztus 17., hétfő

Twitter mourns death of ultramarathon runner Micah True


Searchers found Colorado barefoot ultra-runner Micah True’s body  in the remote New Mexico wilderness on Saturday. He had gone for a run near the Gila National Forest on Tuesday and disappeared. The Boulder (Co.) Daily Camera reported that “the cause of death is unknown at this point. There were no obvious signs of trauma.”

True was known as “Caballo Blanco” and garnered worldwide fame in the 2009 best-seller “Born to Run.”  He had  a Twitter account and this was his last Tweet:

We are messegers fueled by the message.
When the message we carry is of Truth/Beauty, love, hope, and peace, we… http://t.co/HDrxHtm4

— Micah True (@mcaballoblanco) March 27, 2012

Fellow runners on Twitter mourned True’s death and celebrated his legacy:

Born to Run legend Micah True"s long run is finished. So sad. Story: http://t.co/xG8l5aiT #RIPCaballoBlanco pic.twitter.com/2udBSLRB

— Josh Cox (@JoshCox) April 1, 2012

Rip Micah True, the White Horse of the Copper Canyons. You were an inspiration. Be true, run free.

— Zak Goldberger (@1stPlaceBerger) April 1, 2012

RIP Micah True. Had the pleasure of meeting him at Leadville this year. Good interview with him is here: http://t.co/pq8DauJZ #caballoblanco

— Peter Schow (@pschow) April 1, 2012

Micah True and his dog running free
Photo by Maximiliano Cunha http://t.co/7oX8PZb9

— Envirosafe Carpet Cl (@EnviroSafeOne) April 1, 2012


Micah True continues to be an inspiration. He died doing what he loved. RIP.

— Spencer (@spencerhurst) April 1, 2012

Re-reading @McDougallChris"s #borntorun and then going to go on a personal record length run in honor + memory of @mcaballoblanco

— steve booth (@thinairsteve) April 1, 2012

Here are videos of True speaking at a running shoe store in December 2010:

One of his Tweets from last year:

Rules for the 2012 Copper Canyon Run: No dying allowed. Anybody who dies during the 2012 CCUM is disqualified

— Micah True (@mcaballoblanco) October 22, 2011

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/04/01/twitter-mourns-death-of-ultra-marathon-runner-micah-true/

Twitter mourns death of ultramarathon runner Micah True

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