2015. augusztus 21., péntek

Warriors fans boo Joe Lacob as he tries to introduce Chris Mullen


From the San Jose Mercury News:

It was supposed to be a special night for Golden State Warriors legend Chris Mullin, as the team honored him with an elaborate jersey retirement ceremony for his No. 17 during Monday night’s game against the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Unfortunately, Warriors fans aren’t too hot on owner Joe Lacob right now. In fact, the Oracle Arena crowd booed Lacob mercilessly when he took the microphone to say a few words during the halftime presentation. What did Lacob do to draw their ire? Well, he recently traded star guard Monta Ellis to the Milwaukee Bucks for injured center Andrew Bogut. And, prior to the season, coach Mark Jackson guaranteed a playoff berth, but the Warriors once again are destined for the lottery.

“Tonight is about two things, embracing history and respect,” Lacob began, stumbling and looking down at his note card as he was met with immediate boos. “The Warriors ownership, the current owners, our owners, think it’s very important to embrace history.

The booing was so loud and long that Lacob was visibly shaking and struggling to make it through his prepared remarks.


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/03/20/warriors-fans-boo-joe-lacob-as-he-tries-to-introduce-chris-mullen/

Warriors fans boo Joe Lacob as he tries to introduce Chris Mullen

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