2015. augusztus 6., csütörtök

Change: Obama addresses looming fiscal cliff by calling for tax hikes


This afternoon, President Obama gave a brief statement (sans questions from the press, of course) on the state of the American economy and the impending fiscal cliff. He was greeted with the requisite whooping and applause that befits a messiah:

Yay, a Barack pep rally…

— tokenbrotha (@tokenbrotha) November 9, 2012

Seriously, are the people behind him going to start singing when he finishes?

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) November 9, 2012

How utterly appropriate given that our nation’s fiscal and economic health hangs in the balance.

The president announced that he’s invited Congressional leaders to visit the White House for a cliff summit.

Let the games begin. RT @ap: BREAKING: AP source: Obama inviting leaders of Congress to White House next week for fiscal cliff talks.

— brian kenney (@hiegold) November 9, 2012

Am I supposed to be impressed that Obama’s inviting GOP to WH next weekto talk about fiscal cliff? I’m not. It’s his JOB to do that.

— Dale McCracken Ward (@chrisanddale) November 9, 2012

#kabuki MT @jaredhalpern: Obama will invite Congressional leaders from both parties to White House next wk for “fiscal cliff” negotiations.

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 9, 2012

Once again, his timing is impeccable:

Why wasn’t this an issue BEFORE the electionAP source: Obama inviting leaders of Congress to White House next week for fiscal cliff talks.”

— Dennis J Pollina Jr. (@DPTHoT) November 9, 2012

Obama could have spent the last YEAR talking about the fiscal cliff. Now, two months out, he’s going to start. #Leadership

— Young Right (@YoungRightBlog) November 9, 2012

He’d have invited them sooner, but, well, he’s got to tour Southeast Asia right now.

“I won again. fix it. vaca” RT @ap: BREAKING: AP source: Obama inviting leaders of Congress to White House next week for fiscal cliff talks.

— bradcundiff (@bradcundiff) November 9, 2012

You understand, don’t you? This trip just can’t wait — even though he claims that his top priorities are boosting jobs and growth:

Rhetoric: “Our top priority has to be jobs and growth, reward small biz that create jobs here.” – Obama

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 9, 2012

Since when? RT @thefix: “Our top priority has to be jobs and growth.” — Obama

— Rschrim (@Rschrim) November 9, 2012

An amazing thing happens as a business owner when I hear my taxes are going up. I don’t want to hire anyone, or buy new equipment.

— Jason B. Whitman (@JasonBWhitman) November 9, 2012

Yeah, funny that. He failed to address the massive layoffs that are occurring among small businesses and corporations alike now that Obamacare regulations’ stranglehold on business owners will tighten.

So, how does the Lightbringer propose we get the economy back on track? By combining spending cuts with revenue — generated from asking wealthy Americans to pay their “fair share.” In short, tax hikes:

Pres Obama says we can’t cut our way to prosperity – must combine spending cuts with revenue – by asking wealthy to pay more in taxes.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 9, 2012

Obama said fiscal cliff will have a huge affect on m-class then he slammed business earning 250k. He doesn’t get what fuels m-class. Dah!

— Robyn Elisa (@Robyn_Elisa) November 9, 2012

Rather than cut taxes and cut crony capitalist subsidies, we are going to raise taxes and increase subsidies? #growth

— James Pethokoukis (@JimPethokoukis) November 9, 2012

RT @davidhauptmann: Obama: “We can’t cut our way to prosperity.” But we can tax our way to it? How does that work?

— Sarah (@sarahbellumd) November 9, 2012

Obama cited John Boehner’s Wednesday speech in which the House Speaker stressed the importance of increasing tax revenue:

Obama cites Boehner’s speech as encouragement that Republicans are open to tax increases.

— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) November 9, 2012

So Obama is lying. RT @benhowe Obama cites Boehner’s speech as encouragement that Republicans are open to tax increases.

— RB (@RBPundit) November 9, 2012

Boehner has voiced willingness to provide for new govt revenue by way of tax code reform – and not tax hikes on upper income earners.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 9, 2012

Indeed. As Twitchy reported yesterday, Boehner’s remarks were widely misinterpreted as a call for tax hikes. Boehner never did so, but facts are inconvenient to a president with a Leftist agenda.

Obama’s insistence that the fiscal cliff can be averted through tax hikes was accompanied by furious waving of the compromise flag. After all, he’s always shown himself to be in favor of a balanced approach to problem solving:

“I’m open to compromise,” says the pres., “But I refuse to accept any approach that isn’t balanced.” Must include tax hikes on rich.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 9, 2012

Compromise! RT @benhowe Obama “I refuse to accept any approach” that doesn’t include tax increase. #NoCompromise

— Brian Faughnan (@BrianFaughnan) November 9, 2012

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLRT @zekejmiller: Obama: I refuse to accept any approach that isn’t balanced.

— AlexaShrugged (@AlexaShrugged) November 9, 2012

Shorter Obama: I’m all about compromise as long as it doesn’t compromise any of the things I want.

— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) November 9, 2012

Right after saying he’s open to new ideas. RT @jedediahbila: There it is. Obama’s not budging on tax hikes.

— Rschrim (@Rschrim) November 9, 2012

Aww, come on. He’s serious about it, you guys! He’s even got his pen ready:

Obama flashes his pen! Not an auto-pen here folks. . .

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 9, 2012

Obama is waving around a pen. Autopen is jealous.

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 9, 2012

He’s just waiting for the House to fall into lockstep. The Senate’s already on board. The same Senate that hasn’t passed a budget since April 9, 2009. Don’t dawdle, Republicans!

He’s got a plan, you see. The rich are going to bleed a little so America can prosper. It’s so simple!

After Obama hikes taxes on “rich” and covers a few days of spending, then what?

— Emily Miller (@EmilyMiller) November 9, 2012

Oh. Well, he hasn’t thought that far ahead. Places to go, people to bow to … you know how it is.

Yeah. We know how it is, all right.

there is no end to the false choices this guy offers.

— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) November 9, 2012

The president won’t rest until his Marxist utopia has become a reality. Voting is no longer the best revenge; class warfare is.

Obama budget speech: Lie, lie, lie, soak the rich, lie, lie, lie, I won’t work with you, lie, lie, lie, soak the rich.

— warnerthuston (@warnerthuston) November 9, 2012

If Obama wants to truly protect the middle class from tax hikes, he’ll take a chainsaw to Obamacare. At least THIRTEEN taxes on middle class

— Seth (@dcseth) November 9, 2012

Obama knows that class warfare worked for him during the campaign. He’s not about to abandon it now.

— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) November 9, 2012

Shorter Obama: I won.

— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) November 9, 2012

And if we don’t do everything we can to throw a wrench in his agenda, America will lose.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/11/09/change-obama-addresses-looming-fiscal-cliff-by-calling-for-tax-hikes/

Change: Obama addresses looming fiscal cliff by calling for tax hikes

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