2015. augusztus 8., szombat

Steven Crowder ‘redistributes’ Halloween, teaches kids Obamanomics


Comedian and Fox News contributor Steven Crowder has done it again! Now with more candy.

Must watch! “HIDDEN CAMERA PRANK! Happy Halloween, Obama-Style!” Trick Or Treat ‘era reactions are priceless! ow.ly/eUnQE

— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) October 31, 2012

He tries to tell children, “you didn’t trick or treat that. Someone else made that happen.”

Hey kid, do you realize what allowed you to get to my house? Government sidewalks. #TaxOrTreat

— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) October 31, 2012

Let’s go to the must-see video tape.

Priceless. And Twitter users agree.

Steven Crowder Redistributes Halloween amsp.ec/1PhgwyFunny video with a good point. Forcing generosity doesn’t work.

— John Travis Wilson (@joyfulunwisdom) October 31, 2012

Steven Crowder Teaches Kids a Lesson in Redistribution of Wealth, Halloween Candy-Stylenation.foxnews.com/steven-crowder…

— Ben Dover (@TEXIFICATION) October 31, 2012

A lesson not forgotten RT @nascarnac: AmSpec: Steven Crowder Redistributes Halloween bit.ly/V9dVTJ #tcot #ocra #ampat

— Cyndy H (@para_Dios) October 31, 2012

‘must share w/your kids-Obama’s Redistribution Halloween"; Crowder Pranks Kids With Commie Candy shar.es/cOzEC via @breitbartnews

— CS Reno (@CinSmith1) October 31, 2012

The reaction of the children proves the old adage: Out of the mouths of babes. They get it.

Kids get it. breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2…

— sallyandfam (@sallyandfam) October 31, 2012

breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2…Even children get it (until they have been indoctrinated in public school.)

— Klasko (@kmlask) October 31, 2012

RT @cnservativepunk: When you try to give one kids candy to another kids who didn’t work for it, they get pissed. #Logic

— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) October 31, 2012

“Hey, dude that’s not cool,” one kid says. “It’s not fun to take people’s candy…That’s my candy, I worked hard for it.”

— IDCNews (@IDCNews) October 31, 2012


Steven Crowder Tries to ‘Redistribute’ Children’s Candy in Hilarious ‘Obama-Style’ Halloween Prank ow.ly/eUxCt -Steven is brilliant

— Wingzofsteel (@wingzofsteel) October 31, 2012

Brilliant, indeed. And while hysterically funny, it also offers much food (or candy) for thought. Share it far and wide.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/10/31/hilarious-video-steven-crowder-redistributes-halloween-teaches-kids-about-obamanomics/

Steven Crowder ‘redistributes’ Halloween, teaches kids Obamanomics

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