2015. augusztus 12., szerda

#BidenUnhinged: RNC releases killer ‘Biden laughing at the issues’ ad


As Twitchy reported, talk of Joe “Chompers” Biden and his creepy smirk during the debate was buzzing on Twitter. Soon, the hashtag #UnhingedBiden sprung up in response.

.@paulryanvp looking vice-presidential. @joebiden looking slightly unhinged. #VPDebate #BidenUnhinged

— Reince Priebus (@Reince) October 12, 2012

Biden sounds like a whining child… #BidenUnhinged #CrazyJoe #WhinyVP

— Matt Blumenfeld (@MattLBlumenfeld) October 12, 2012

@joebiden is yelling like a grandpa at the dinner table. #BidenUnhinged

— Louis Weyand (@LouisKun12) October 12, 2012

@melaniednc are you and the DNC all drinking whatever is in bidens cup tonight?#VPDebate #VPDebate2012 #BidenUnhinged

— Jim Anderson (@Anderson33) October 12, 2012

#JoeBiden little heated much?! #BidenUnhinged #Malarkey #itrustryan

— Katie Trudeau (@trudeau_katie) October 12, 2012

FACT: 33 interruptions by Biden 47 minutes into the debate #BidenUnhinged

— Joe Pounder (@PounderFile) October 12, 2012

“@garylbauer: Still astonished at Biden laughing and smiling during questions about the military. Incredibly disrespectful. #BidenUnhinged

— Charles Sykes (@SykesCharlie) October 12, 2012

RT @pounderfile: FACT: Final Count: Biden interrupted 82 times during the entire debate. #BidenUnhinged

— Zac Moffatt (@ZacMoffatt) October 12, 2012

I dreamed of laughing clowns all night long….#BidenUnhinged

— Onerepublicanchick (@RepublicanDame) October 12, 2012

@joebiden is laughing at the issues, are you? youtu.be/PCtemaHgjyA #BidenUnhinged

— Edward Bedard (@EdwardBedard) October 12, 2012

Next, the RNC released a fantastic ad called, “Laughing at the Issues.” Unlike Biden, most Americans don’t find the grave problems we face to be a reason to yuk it up.

Biden laughing at the serious issues facing America is a slap in the face to all Americans no matter what your political leanings are#tcot

— S 1 (@1Sheyanne) October 12, 2012

The ad hits home.

RNC Web Ad: Laughing At The Issues- bit.ly/TllwIL #BidenUnhinged

— Brittany Cohan (@bccohan) October 12, 2012

Kudos, RNC! Twitter users agree.

ICYMI: “Laughing at the Issues”youtu.be/PCtemaHgjyA New (must see) Ad via @gop H/T @capflowwatch

— BoldFreshJew(@BoldFreshJew) October 12, 2012

***Exactly what I asked for —> Devastating RNC ad captures Biden laughing at the issues amsp.ec/1OUpCn #tcot #p2

— el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) October 12, 2012

Jackass Joe Laughing at the Issues: youtu.be/PCtemaHgjyA #VPDebate #tcot

— KQK2 (@KQK2) October 12, 2012

More, please. Hopefully Americans will have the last laugh … at the ballot box next month.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/10/12/bidenunhinged-boom-rnc-releases-killer-biden-laughing-at-the-issues-ad/

#BidenUnhinged: RNC releases killer ‘Biden laughing at the issues’ ad

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