2015. augusztus 18., kedd

Video: Obama voter says murdered US ambassador to Libya ‘had it coming’


Viral videos of Dems reveling in their ignorance have turned September into humiliation-palooza for the Left.

We saw an Obama banshee screeching about her Obama phone and heard from Obama voters who don’t realize Osama bin Laden is dead. And now, an “eat the rich” Obama supporter in Ohio proudly tells an interviewer Mitt Romney will raise taxes on the middle class and Ambassador Chris Stevens “probably had it coming.”

The choom is strong with this one. The morals? Not so much.

My lord,the stupid is strong in the left http://t.co/vwkUGJUM

— Darby Mellish (@djkm_45) September 28, 2012

Brain dead. We are doomed. http://t.co/qacu9sMA Liberal morons. This country is so screwed with doltz like this.

— Kelly (@KLSouth) September 27, 2012

@hale_razor I"m sure "free phone" comment was totally taken outta context- like the guy who sez Ambassdor had it coming http://t.co/bBkfPcLw

— The Cracker Emcee (@Fenway_Nation) September 27, 2012

A sad look into the empty, fact devoid "Hopium" addicted mind of the @BarackObama supporter http://t.co/YoxYPseU #tcot #teaparty #gop

— C. Steven Tucker (@CSteven) September 27, 2012

If they were smart, self-professed Obama supporters would stop talking on camera. If they were smart.

Don’t ever change, guys.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/09/28/viral-video-obama-supporter-says-murdered-us-ambassador-to-libya-had-it-coming/

Video: Obama voter says murdered US ambassador to Libya ‘had it coming’

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