2015. augusztus 27., csütörtök

Conservatives applaud Paul ‘filiblizzard,’ some wonder where he was on Hagel


Sen. Paul does not want John Brennan confirmed as CIA Director. He also has a big problem with the Obama Administration’s drone strike policy. To that end, he’s taken to the Senate floor for what his staff is calling a “filiblizzard”:

Speaking on the Senate floor at length & actively filibustering Brennan’s nomination until further notice Tune into @cspan now #filiblizzard

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

Why don’t we advise the pres. that he should come forward & say he will not condone nor believe he has the authority to kill noncombatants?

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

Why isn’t there more moral outrage? Why isn’t every Senator coming down to say let’s go ahead and hold this nomination?

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

What happened to candidate Obama who wanted to protect your right to privacy? He now doesn’t care about your right to judicial proceeding.

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

It worries me that they refuse to answer my questions, because by refusing to answer, I believe that they believe they have unlimited power.

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

I will not sit quietly and let President Obama shred the Constitution. #filiblizzard

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

What are we fighting for if we’re not going to protect our rights at home? #filiblizzard c-span.org/Live-Video/C-S…

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

As we allow more and more power to gravitate to the President, we run the risk of living under an imperial presidency. #filiblizzard

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

No President has the right to say that he is judge, jury, and executioner. #filiblizzard c-span.org/Live-Video/C-S…

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

Brennan’s answer to me shouldn’t have been “no,” it should have been, “NEVER. Never will it come to that in America” c-span.org/Live-Video/C-S…

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

He’s still going strong:

Sen Rand Paul R-KY began speaking at 11:47 am and is still going in a filibuster of CIA nominee John Brennan

— Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) March 6, 2013

.@senrandpaul has a giant folder on the podium and has only flipped through the first few pages. #Filibuster #tcot #tlot #WAR

— @BodiazRising (@BodiazRising) March 6, 2013

And he has won over at least one ally:

Sen Mike Lee R-UT to join Sen Rand Paul R-KY – will they try to outlast the d’Amato & Moynihan 1992 filibuster?

— Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) March 6, 2013

Many conservatives are applauding his passionate arguments against drone strikes and his appeal to Constitutional principles:

Rand Paul may be opposed to drone strikes but he is lobbing numerous truth bombs in his filibuster c-span.org/Live-Video/C-S…

— Logan Dobson (@LoganDobson) March 6, 2013

Rock on. RT ‏@jeremyscahill On Senate floor, Sen Rand Paul discusses Abdulrahman Awlaki, 16 yr old US citizen killed in drone strike

— Julie Borowski (@JulieBorowski) March 6, 2013

Rand Paul quoting Hayek on the Senate floor. I love this man.

— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) March 6, 2013

Music to my ears from Rand Paul. “We’re not a democracy and we were never intended to be a democracy.” Damn straight.

— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) March 6, 2013

Yes!! @senrandpaul is quoting Milton Friedman during his #Filibuster!

— Kimberly C(@conkc2) March 6, 2013

Rand Paul has been very impressive so far.I’m not always a fan, but he’s clearly very bright.

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) March 6, 2013

C-Span 2, America. For America. Rand Paul exposing sitting president who opposed waterboarding for what he really is…

— John Nolte(@NolteNC) March 6, 2013

Yes, I <3 @senrandpaul.

— Kemberlee Kaye (@red_red_head) March 6, 2013

Pretty much everyone could benefit from @senrandpaul‘s filibuster. It’s so Constitutiony.

— Kemberlee Kaye (@red_red_head) March 6, 2013

Rand Paul’s binders are full of rights – hooks & uppercuts. @galtsgirl @gopfirecracker

— votermom (D) (@votermom) March 6, 2013

I hope someone is making a DVD of @senrandpaul ‘s speech for those of us who would like to use it for educational purposes for the next gen.

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 6, 2013

If you want to know what constitutional conservatism is, tune into CSPAN 2 and listen to @senrandpaul‘s filibuster right now. Amazing work.

— Corie Whalen (@CorieWhalen) March 6, 2013

Not so long ago, Sen. Paul justified his yes vote for Chuck Hagel’s confirmation as Defense Secretary by saying that “the president gets to choose political appointees.” Today, several conservatives are wondering where today’s Paul was during the Hagel vote.

Lots of cheers for Rand Paul blocking Brennan. But RP explained vote 4 Hagel by saying O has “prerogative” on apptees twitchy.com/2013/02/26/sen…

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 6, 2013

&shame on u @senrandpaul 4that!! MT @freddoso: “I voted 4 1st 3 nominees for the president…But I will not let him shred the Constitution.”

— Barbara McMahon (@southsalem) March 6, 2013

I see R Paul is currently in filibuster mode. Interesting to see who is filibuster worthy. Also, didn’t he say POTUS gets to pick nominees?

— LilMissErinGoBragh (@LilMissRightie) March 6, 2013

Putting his views aside, Hagel couldn’t string a sentence together at the hearings. Paul gives the POTUS ‘prerogative’ on HIM? Fascinating.

— LilMissErinGoBragh (@LilMissRightie) March 6, 2013

I cannot possibly be the only here who thinks this is absolutely stunning hypocrisy here on Paul’s part, right?

— LilMissErinGoBragh (@LilMissRightie) March 6, 2013

@senrandpaul No moral outrage over head of Defense who said during his nomination he needs to ‘learn about the military’? You’re a clown.

— LilMissErinGoBragh (@LilMissRightie) March 6, 2013

I’m a little surprised at all the cheering I’m seeing right now given those comments. Sigh. RT @michellemalkinNope, you are not alone.

— LilMissErinGoBragh (@LilMissRightie) March 6, 2013

@lilmissrightie What galls me is that Rand didn’t have to vote for Hagel. They had enough votes for him. It was an endorsement.

— AmishDude (@TheAmishDude) March 6, 2013

Umm Paul was one of 4 yes votes on actual Hagel vote. @cindycoops @txsleuth @lilmissrightie

— AG (@AG_Conservative) March 6, 2013

.@viewofthemiddle right, he gave him the benefit of the doubt on someone clearly incompetent, but now won’t on Brennan?

— AG (@AG_Conservative) March 6, 2013

@viewofthemiddle and btw it’s offensive in itself to suggest opposition to Hagel was partisan douchery.

— AG (@AG_Conservative) March 6, 2013

@txsleuth @lilmissrightie but you can’t have it both ways. Can’t say Prez should get deference, but not when I want to talk about drones.

— AG (@AG_Conservative) March 6, 2013

@viewofthemiddle ok. I get it. I just don’t get why he think Brennan should be stopped, but Hagel shouldn’t.

— AG (@AG_Conservative) March 6, 2013

I like Rand Paul. I just don’t get how you square the circle. twitchy.com/2013/02/26/sen…

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 6, 2013

It is very difficult.



Sen. Mike Lee has gotten in on the #filiblizzard:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) ceases speaking at 2:57 pm . en. Mike Lee (R-UT) now speaking about Brennan. We clock Paul at 3 hours and 10 minutes.

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) March 6, 2013

Here goes Mike Lee!

— Joel Palmer (@PoliticalLogic) March 6, 2013

And there’s @senmikelee. #winning

— Miké (@ThePantau) March 6, 2013

Mike Lee takes the floor!

— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) March 6, 2013

And Sen. Ted Cruz:

Here comes Senator Cruz chiming in.

— Joel Palmer (@PoliticalLogic) March 6, 2013

Ted Cruz joins filibuster.

— John Nolte(@NolteNC) March 6, 2013

YES YES YES YES YES @sentedcruz! Wooooooooo!

— Corie Whalen (@CorieWhalen) March 6, 2013

And now for @sentedcruz – this #filiblizzard is epic!

— Josh Withrow (@JGWithrow) March 6, 2013



Here comes Sen. Jerry Moran:

Sen. Jerry Moran of Kansas gets in on the action.

— David Freddoso (@freddoso) March 6, 2013

Hey, it’s Jerry Moran from Kansas!And he’s bringing up the NLRB! Excellent.

— Moe Lane (@moelane) March 6, 2013

Moran. Strange new respect, yo.

— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) March 6, 2013

Former Sen. Jim DeMint has expressed his gratitude:

We should all thank @senrandpaul @tedcruz @jerrymoran @senmikelee for standing up for the Constitution and due process.

— Jim DeMint (@JimDeMint) March 6, 2013



Wow! Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden is getting in on the #filiblizzard:

Heading to the floor to speak on Congressional oversight of executive branch & rules for targeted killings. Watch: c-span.org/Live-Video/C-S…

— Ron Wyden (@RonWyden) March 6, 2013

Can’t believe I’m thanking my Senator… RT @eliclifton: Rep. Ron Wyden (D-OR) is headed to the floor to make the filibuster bipartisan.

— Kristina (@KristinaRibali) March 6, 2013

“The senator from Kentucky has made a number of important points today.” – Senator Wyden (D-OR)

— Sunny (@sunnyright) March 6, 2013

. @ronwyden joining the #filibuster and #TagTeamLiberty goes Bi-Partisan #StandWithRand #tcot

— Kevin McKeever (@bankofkev) March 6, 2013

Fantastic RT @unitedliberty: @politicallogic He’s voting for Brennan, but he wants to raise awareness to the drones issue.

— Joel Palmer (@PoliticalLogic) March 6, 2013



Marco Rubio is on the floor!

Marco Rubio joins the filibuster. #StandWithRand

— Julie Borowski (@JulieBorowski) March 6, 2013

Rubio, baby!

— John Nolte(@NolteNC) March 6, 2013

Shit just got real. RUBIO. #filiblizzard

— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) March 6, 2013

Standing up for what is right for America & Florida @marcorubio joins #RandPaul in filibuster! twitter.com/ethanklapper/s… #sayfie #flgop #tcot

— GWardHome (@gwardhome) March 6, 2013

With a water joke, natch.



The list of filibustering senators grows.

Heeeere’s Saxby:

Senator #7 RT @jrubinblogger: Chambliss now joins!

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) March 6, 2013

Chambliss joins the filibuster #StandWithRand

— Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) March 6, 2013


I am heading to the Senate floor to stand alongside with my friend, Sen. Rand Paul #StandWithRand

— Senator Pat Toomey (@SenToomey) March 6, 2013

Heading to the Senate floor to join @senrandpaul:c-span.org/Live-Video/C-S… fb.me/u6Op2wON

— JohnCornyn (@JohnCornyn) March 6, 2013

Texas becomes the first state to have both its Senators join the filibuster.

— Francesca Chambers (@fran_chambers) March 6, 2013

Harry Reid tried and failed to shut down the debate.


Hours later, Sen. Paul is still at it:

The filibuster is coming up on the six-hour mark. #StandwithRand

— Dean Clancy (@DeanClancy) March 6, 2013

It’s not partisan against partisan; it’s bipartisan working for the power of the checks & balances to try to ensure a leveling #filiblizzard

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

“Do we not get the opportunity to explain ourselves in a court of law before we get a hellfire missile dropped on our heads?”

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

The President has shown no regard for the individual rights of Americans.

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

We’ve always allowed a great deal of dissent in our country.

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

I don’t know how you can argue that we have exemptions to the Bill of Rights, whenever you want to.

— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013

Though it looks like he may be getting a little tired:

Paul: ‘I’m already getting tired, and I don’t know how long I’ll be able to do this.’

— Byron York (@ByronYork) March 6, 2013

Needs JOLT Energy Gum. RT @joebrooks Did I just hear Rand Paul whisper : “Can you get me some candy?”

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 6, 2013

Hopefully his colleagues can help him out.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/03/06/conservatives-applaud-sen-rand-paul-filiblizzard-but-some-wonder-where-he-was-on-hagel/

Conservatives applaud Paul ‘filiblizzard,’ some wonder where he was on Hagel

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