2015. augusztus 26., szerda

Rep. Cotton calls out anonymous WH ‘sources’ for smearing Bergdahl’s platoon


Today, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs held a hearing about the swap of five Taliban commanders from Gitmo in return for suspected deserter Bowe Bergdahl.

Rep. Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican and Army veteran who served in Afghanistan, lit into “anonymous” White House sources who have attempted to discredit Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon mates.


Here’s video of Rep. Cotton followed by a partial transcript:

Partial transcript:

Rep. Cotton: Finally, I want to say something to the anonymous sources in the president’s administration who are disparaging the service of Second Platoon and Blackfoot Company. Show yourself, speak in your own name, have the courage of your convictions. And if you don’t, shut up, and stand back and thank these men for their service.

So true.



‘Why did my son die?’ Father of soldier slain in Bergdahl search chokes up during testimony

Fmr. Bergdahl team leader: Stories about platoon are ‘half truths’ or ‘completely false’

Obama administration official Brandon Friedman floats ‘psychopaths’ smear of Bergdahl’s platoon mates

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/06/18/whoa-rep-tom-cotton-calls-out-anonymous-wh-sources-for-smearing-bergdahls-platoon-mates-video/

Rep. Cotton calls out anonymous WH ‘sources’ for smearing Bergdahl’s platoon

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