2015. augusztus 7., péntek

Twittersphere explodes over news of #huggate


While the mainstream media is just now picking up this story, the video and news on this topic have been floating around Twitter throughout the day. After an apparent video obtained by the late Andrew Breitbart surfaced up at BuzzFeed, news of why this story is so big began to explode.

The Big Government team explains that it’s the context that matters, and BG’s Joel Pollak and Ben Shapiro emphasized that Obama was endorsing the “Jeremiah Wright of academia.”

But detractors have reduced the matter to a simplistic #huggate brouhaha.

After Michelle Malkin and the team at Breitbart.com appeared on The Hannity Show on Fox News tonight to discuss the significance of what happened, the video went viral and the putdowns spiraled.

Don"t worry, folks. Some day we"ll get through this and start talking about birth control again.

— daveweigel (@daveweigel) March 8, 2012


It"s hard out here for a hugger.#HugGate

— CAcatlady (@CAcatlady) March 8, 2012

I thought Santorum was strict with no sex except for procreation but,Hannity will not even let Obama give another man a damn hug! #huggate

— Jimmy Goodson (@JG41187) March 8, 2012

The coverup begins: Obama adds a "T" to his "HUG LIFE" tattoo. #HugGate

— Dave Gilson (@daudig) March 8, 2012

The real scandal is the way PBS and Buzzfeed digitally removed the teleprompters from the clip. #huggate

— Angus Johnston (@studentactivism) March 8, 2012

I did not have sexual relations with that man, Mr. Bell. #huggate

— Candidate Obama (@CandidateObama) March 8, 2012

BG’s Ben Shapiro writes: “There’s far more coming on Derrick Bell. This is just the beginning. And this video is a smoking gun showing that Barack Obama not only associated with radicals, he was their advocate.”

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/03/08/twittersphere-explodes-over-news-of-huggate/

Twittersphere explodes over news of #huggate

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