2015. augusztus 12., szerda

This Farmer Plays His Trombone, "Til The Cows Come Home. Literally.

Farmer Derek usually wakes up very early in the morning to “cube” the cattle. That means he gives them a treat so it’s easier to round them all together when needed. One particularly beautiful Kansas morning, he decided to try something a bit different. Instead of giving them a tasty treat, he gave them a musical treat instead.

He sat down in a field and started playing his trombone, not really knowing what to expect. Soon enough, one by one, his cows started showing up on the horizon. Eventually, they all gathered right in front of him, listening to him play (and unlike with a crowd of people, there wasn’t a single cell phone in sight).

(Source: Farmer Derek Klingenberg – You can follow him on Facebook here)

In case anyone misses it. The best part is at the end when he plays a well known ‘sports anthem’ and the cows respond by cheering. “Bum bum bum badda, bum bum bum…MOOOOOO!”

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Read more: http://viralnova.com/trombone-cows/

This Farmer Plays His Trombone, "Til The Cows Come Home. Literally.

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