2015. augusztus 19., szerda

Maybe Allen Iverson should have practiced


It was 10 years ago today that Allen Iverson held his iconic news conference that ridiculed the importance of an NBA practice.

Even NFL kickers are marking the occasion.


The Twitter universe is remembering it in its own special way:




2day is the 10 yr anniversary of Allen Iverson"s press conference against practice. Where is he now? Out of the NBA. Should"ve practiced

— Reginator (@IAMTHEREGINATOR) May 7, 2012

Allen Iverson… The man who said what every other athlete thinks lol

— Trey Marcum (@TreyMarcum1) May 7, 2012

I don"t like Allen Iverson"s practice press conference. Exactly the reason he was never a good teammate and didn"t win a championship.

— max (@LatherRinseRT) May 7, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/05/07/maybe-allen-iverson-should-have-practiced/

Maybe Allen Iverson should have practiced

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