2015. augusztus 29., szombat

Not quite ‘good job, good effort": LeBron gets beer shower from C’s fan after win


Following Thursday night’s Game 6 blowout in Boston, needless to say Celtics fans were a little upset.

One particular fan, coincidentally sitting by the tunnel leading to the Miami Heat locker room, decided to illustrate his frustration by pouring his drink on an unsuspecting LeBron James.

It’s slightly possible that the fan was just trying to cool James off after a sizzling 45-point performance, but either way James showed class and for the most part shrugged off the gesture.

Word is still out on exactly which $9 beer was wasted by the fan at large.

@ByTimReynolds the fan who threw the ball seemed to not have meant it
by the look on his face . The beer was a punk move !

— RAFA (@RaffaMiami) June 8, 2012

Celtics fan dumped a drink on LeBron after the game? Howd I miss that?

— JRSportBrief (@JRSportBrief) June 8, 2012

did dude really just poor a drink on LeBron?!?! …wow….he must have not seen what Artest did in the palace! Bron is too nice yo

— J.Watters (@j_H22O) June 8, 2012

Miami: "Good job, good effort." Boston: /throws drink on LeBron

— SB Nation (@SBNation) June 8, 2012


A fan dumped a drink on LeBron as he walked into the tunnel. Let"s hold off on talking about great the entire Boston crowd was.

— Dan Levy (@DanLevyThinks) June 8, 2012

LeBron got a drink poured on him. What kind of drink was it? If it"s Bud Light Platinum, the only loser in this exchange is the thrower.

— Rembert Browne (@rembert) June 8, 2012

Just got more respect for Lebron for not retaliating on the fan who poured a drink on his head! #Class

— James Fortune (@MrJamesFortune) June 8, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/06/08/not-quite-good-job-good-effort-lebron-gets-beer-shower-from-cs-fan-after-win/

Not quite ‘good job, good effort": LeBron gets beer shower from C’s fan after win

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